Renai DuBois - CTNC

I am committed to helping you through this process of restoring your body to your optimal health, wellness and vitality.

Nutrition Response Testing, which consists of Clinical Nutrition & Muscle Testing, is an invaluable tool we use to test and discover the state of the body’s nervous system. This allows us to find the nutritional deficiencies that are preventing your body from healing and find exactly what it needs to restore your health.

My journey with nutrition began about 19 years ago when my health & my 3 girls health were struggling with digestive issues, gluten, corn (at the time corn only had 32 names), preservatives, dairy, added colors and reduced sugar. We were introduced to Muscle Testing and Acupuncture during this time. All of us experienced overall health, stronger immune systems, more energy, happier moods, quality sleep & increased appetites. A drastic improvement from where we began!

In 2015, I decided helping others achieve optimal health was my passion and graduated as Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and a Certified Gluten-Free Practitioner.

I am excited you are here and trust us with your health. I look forward to working with you as you work to achieve optimal health.